Established in 2015, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) aims at enhancing the teaching and learning quality at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. It coordinates and consolidates staff’s efforts in the planning, review, promotion and implementation in the following four areas of work:

  1. Teaching and Learning Enhancement
  • Organising seminars, workshops, forums, and training on best practices, most up-to-date teaching pedagogies and learning experiences, outcome-based teaching, and criterion-referenced assessment for staff;
  • Collaborating with the recipients of the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards for organising annual sharing seminars and open forums; and
  • Organising University-wide student engagement activities for promoting a culture of innovation and creativity at HSUHK

  1. E-Learning
  • Supporting teaching and learning with the effective use of emerging technologies such as Generative Artificial Intelligence tools;
  • Developing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs); 
  • Supporting Smart Learning Space initiatives; and
  • Fostering HSUHK members’ digital literacy
  1. Service-Learning
  • Providing opportunities, support and resources for the full Service-Learning experience of students and teachers;
  • Allowing students to gain a holistic educational experience and to develop into responsible citizens; and
  • Expanding the network of community partners including non-profit organisations, social enterprises, and government offices for more service project ventures for students and teachers. 
  1. Virtual Reality Centre
  • Supporting teaching, learning, research, and community services by applying virtual reality and related technologies in universities, industries, and society;
  • Equipping with an immersive Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) – based virtual reality system, Head-Mounted Devices (HMD), and other related equipment in its Virtual Reality and Big Data Analytics Laboratory (VRBD) Lab), the VRC applies virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality to teaching and learning in various disciplines;
  • Processing multi-dimensional Big Data Analytics and data visualisation with precision; and
  • Providing an excellent platform for 3D interactive learning.