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Empowering Teaching@HSUHK Through Generative Artificial Intelligence: Image Generation Strategies

Event Highlights

The workshop was held on 28 March 2024 and drew educators and tech enthusiasts alike. Co-hosted by the E-Learning Section of CTL, School of Communication (SCOM), and the University Library (LIB), the event delved into the transformative potential of GAI in education. Attendees explored GAI’s role in MOOCs, ethical image generation using platforms like Adobe Firefly, and copyright considerations. Three Speakers, Mr Kelvin Wan (CTL), Dr Sobel Chan (SCOM), and Mr Frankie Tsang (LIB), shed light on integrating GAI responsibly into teaching methodologies. The hands-on session allowed participants to create AI-generated images, highlighting both the creative potential and ethical implications. The workshop fostered dynamic exchanges, emphasizing the importance of responsible AI use in education. This event marked a significant step forward in embracing technology for enhanced teaching and learning experiences, paving the way for future innovations in education at HSUHK. The seminar highlighted the inspiring impact of GAI on image generation successfully attracting over 40 participants.

Organised by Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Date: 28 March 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Venue:  A312