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The Fifth Talk of My Learning Story – Exploration and Learning: Reflections of a CEO

Event Highlights

On 6 February 2025 (Thursday), the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) was honoured to have Dr Patrick Poon, Governor and Chairman of the Fundraising and Donation Committee, HSUHK, as the guest speaker for the fifth talk of “My Learning Story” (恒學集).  Dr Poon shared his lifelong learning journey and pathway to CEO leadership.

Dr Poon highlighted that the significant role teachers play in shaping students’ learning through their guidance and words. He encouraged students to discover and develop their personal interests as that this is key to achieving success.

Sharing his leadership journey, he mentioned that he seized opportunities to learn from his staff and team members. He emphasised that leadership is not dictatorship; it is about inspiring a collaborative spirit and providing support to the team members to cultivate a harmonious company culture.

During the talk, participants actively engaged in the Q&A session and the online game. To express gratitude for Dr Patrick Poon’s insightful presentation, Dr Ben Cheng, Director of CTL, presented him with a souvenir on behalf of the Centre.

The sharing talk was well attended by nearly 300 students and staff members.  Alumnus Mr Thomas Ching, Co-Chairman of The HSUHK 45th Anniversary Organising Committee; Professor Simon Ho, President of the HSUHK; Professor Jeanne Fu, Vice-President (Learning and Student Experience); Dr Josiah Chan, Vice-President (Organisational Development); Professor Chan Wai Sum, Dean of School of Social Science, and heads of departments and units also participated in the event.

To learn more about the fifth talk of My Learning Story, please click HERE to view our photo album.

The host of the sharing talk, Dr Ben Cheng (right), Director of Centre for Teaching and Learning and the guest speaker, Dr Patrick Poon, Governor and Chairman of the Fundraising and Donation Committee, HSUHK

President Simon Ho (third from right) takes a photo with Dr Patrick Poon and colleagues of HSUHK.

Dr Ben Cheng (left) presents a souvenir to Dr Patrick Poon as a token of appreciation.

A group photo captures the memorable moments of Dr Patrick Poon and the HSUHK community, presented as a gift by CTL.

The sharing talk receives enthusiastic and active engagement from participants.

日期: 2025年2月6日 (星期四)

時間: 下午2:00至3:30

地點: 葉傑全袁玉𡖖伉儷大禮堂 (香港恒生大學M座4樓)

語言: 廣東話

嘉賓: 香港恒生大學校董、潘燊昌樂群書院院董會主席   潘燊昌博士,SBS

主持:教與學發展中心主任 鄭家明博士

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