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SBUS and CTL co-organised “Co-operative Learning: From Theory to Practice” Seminar

Event Highlights

The School of Business (SBUS), in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), organised a seminar on 29 August 2024. Dr Thomas Leung, Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing, Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) at the School of Business, and Programme Director of the Master of Business Management, shared his insights and success story on implementing cooperative learning in supervising the Master of Business Management (MBM) programme, which currently has a student population of 150.

Dr Leung provided an overview of what cooperative learning is and discussed other forms of learning pedagogies. Following the overview, he presented literature and research findings that support cooperative learning, along with his insights on its implementation in the MBM programme. In concluding his sharing, he addressed the teacher’s role and the learning outcomes.

The seminar drew an intimate crowd, and the question-and-answer session was fruitful. Colleagues engaged Dr Leung with stimulating and intriguing questions that sparked further insightful conversations.


Dr Thomas Leung shares his insights and success story on implementing co-operative learning.


Dr Thomas Leung responds to participants’ inquiries during the Q&A session.

Organised by the School of Business (SBUS) & Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Date:29 August 2024 (Thursday)
Time:2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Venue:A403, 4/F, S H Ho Academic Building