News and Events
News and Events
News and Events
Welcome to the New Smart Classrooms (D301 and D407)
We are excited to announce recent upgrades to classrooms D301 and D407, aimed at enhancing the learning experience and providing more flexibility for both instructors and students. In Classroom D407, the Smart Panel has been relocated for improved accessibility. While the panel’s location has changed, all of its functions remain the same. Additionally, the room…
SBUS and CTL co-organised “Co-operative Learning: From Theory to Practice” Seminar
Event Highlights The School of Business (SBUS), in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), organised a seminar on 29 August 2024. Dr Thomas Leung, Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing, Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) at the School of Business, and Programme Director of the Master of Business Management, shared his…
Teaching Excellence in the New Semester: Refresh, Recharge and Renew Seminar Series
Event Highlights To kickstart the new semester for the 2024-25 academic year, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) organised a series of teaching and learning seminars under the theme “Teaching Excellence in the New Semester: Refresh, Recharge and Renew’’ on 16, 19 and 28 August 2024. These seminars were designed for both current and…
HSUHK Induction Programme for New Academic Staff 2024
Event Highlights The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Human Resources Office (HRO), and Office of Provost and Vice-President (Academic and Research) (PV/VPARO) jointly organised the HSUHK Induction Programme for New Academic Staff 2024 on 16 and 19 August 2024, to provide new teachers with a comprehensive overview of teaching and learning environment at HSUHK.…
UTLQC and CTL co-organised HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards (2023/24) Workshop – From Good to Great: Enhancing Your Teaching Statement and Portfolio for Teaching Excellence Award Applications
Event Highlights The University launched the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards (TEAs) in the 2014-15 academic year to recognise the invaluable contribution of our distinguished teachers, who demonstrate outstanding teaching performance, a commitment to continuous improvement in pedagogy, and a significant impact on teaching and learning. The applications for the year 2023/24 were opened in July…
Empowering Teaching@HSUHK Through GAI: Simulation Based Learning Activities with GAI Tools for Decision Making
On 8 August 2024, the workshop “Empowering Teaching at HSUHK Through GAI: Simulation-Based Learning Activities with AI Tools for Decision-Making” brought together educators and tech enthusiasts to explore the transformative potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in education. Hosted by the Centre, the event delved into how GAI can revolutionize decision-making in educational settings through…