HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards (2021/22) Sharing Seminar I – Cultivating Motivation: Strategies to Foster Student Learning

 Date:2 February 2023 (Thursday)
 Time:Registration – 1:15 p.m.
Seminar – 1:45 p.m.
 Topic:Cultivating Motivation: Strategies to Foster Student Learning
Register here


Despite challenging, many teachers strive for designing and adopting various innovative pedagogies and teaching and learning activities with a common goal to drive students’ motivation and accommodate different learning needs of students. In this sharing seminar, three of our award-winning teachers (2021/22) will share their exemplary practices of fostering learning motivation and unleashing student learning potential. In addition to showcasing how TV drama and animation can arouse learning interest, our excellent teachers will also talk about how teacher-student and mentor-mentee relationships can build rapport and trust, while sparkling students’ learning motivation and contributing to positive academic outcomes.

Speakers and Topics:

Dr CHAN Wing Yin, Winnie (Lecturer, Department of Marketing)

Topic: Teachers as Mentors: Unlocking Students’ Potential to Learn and Grow

Dr WONG Bon Wah, Baldwin (Former Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science)

Topic: Using TV Drama and Animation in Interest-driven Learning

Mr YUM Chin Fung, Justin (Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Computing)

Topic: Motivation to Learn and Teacher-Student Relationship

    • Categories: 2022-23