Support for The Special Education Needs (SEN) Student and Case Study Workshop, jointly organised by the Student Affairs Office (SAO) (Inclusion and Diversity) and the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Section of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), concluded with great success. Led by Mr Vergo CHENG, Educational Psychologist of Heep Hong Society, the workshop on 30 August, 2023, succeeded in enhancing the awareness of knowledge of our University’s staff about the various types of SEN, common signs, and behaviours associated with them. Over 20 participants had the opportunity to analyse and discuss real-life case studies of university students with SEN. Mr Cheng’s expertise and guidance ensured the participants received comprehensive and practical advice.
由學生事務處 (多元與共融) 與教與學發展中心(教與學發展部) 合辦的「特殊教育需要學生支援及個案分析工作坊」於 2023年8月30圓滿結束。本次工作坊由協康會教育心理學家鄭光言先生領導,成功提升了教職員對於各種特殊教育需要學生類型、常見症狀和相關行為的認識。超過20名參與者更有機會分析和討論涉及大學學生案例,鄭先生亦就討論內容提供專業知識和指導, 確保參與者獲得實用建議。

Mr. Vergo CHENG, Educational Psychologist of Heep Hong Society

Collaborative discussion among HSUHK staff members on effectively supporting SEN student